Monday, December 1, 2008

The Crawler Gets New Clothes...

I finally had my crawler up and running and her current paint scheme was looking tired and mismatched. She had primer colored doors and a baby blue and black hood, really quite an eyesore to say the least. Well I had decided on a new paint combo that I knew would be somewhat obnoxious, yet very fitting of her personality. You may ask yourself if vehicles have personalities and I can assure you that mine does :) So the new digs were to be Battleship Grey for the cab and hood and Cheverolet Orange for the rollcage.

The painting itself went very smooth (I was lucky to get a string of nice afternoon weather), and since she is a full trail use vehicle, perfection was not on the menu. Afterall, she will get beat up on the trail rides to come, but that is the beauty of a rattle can paint job. Easy touch ups! I took my time scuffing and cleaning the surfaces to be painted, in hopes that the paint would hold/last longer. It took about four or five afternoons to get it all done and I am pretty satisfied with the results. So is the crawler I think. I'm pretty sure I saw her smile at me when I was done ;)

So now she has a new wardrobe and along the way recieved a new name, as she had been previously unnamed, sort of. Oh yeah, her new name is...


1 comment:

GunDiva said...

LOVE the slideshow! I'm pretty sure Tink is happy with her new clothes, too (or maybe she's just happy with her new home and the fact that she gets to go play again!).